
Fractured Cervical Vertebrae

October 15, 2020

When most people hear the phrase “broken neck” they assume the person is now going to be a quadriplegic for the rest of his or her life. In cases of traumatic injury, of course that can be the result. But a broken neck actually simply means the person has a fractured vertebra in their cervical […]

Surgery through a Tiny Incision — Microdiscectomy

September 15, 2020

At Texas Neurosurgery, we often have patients come in complaining of pain, numbness, and weakness in a certain extremity, typically a leg and/or foot. They are showing the classic symptoms of nerve compression, probably on one of the nerve roots exiting the spinal canal to the impacted area. But the patient has heard horror stories […]

Arteriovenous Malformation

August 15, 2020

Branching off of our arteries are a network of capillaries whose job is to deliver oxygen in the blood to the surrounding tissues. Once the oxygen has been taken, the capillaries then return the blood to the veins for the trip back to the heart to restart the process. When a person has an arteriovenous […]

Removing Spinal Cord Tumors

July 15, 2020

Tumors are simply an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant. When they form in or around the spinal cord, they can upset the connection between the brain and the nerves, or they can inhibit the spinal cord’s blood supply. These are known as intradural spinal tumors, and they often require surgical removal. Our […]

Fusion vs. Artificial Disc Replacement

June 15, 2020

At Texas Neurosurgery, when patients have tried conservative approaches for their back pain for six months or longer to no avail, the next option is often surgery. This is especially true if their back pain is making simple everyday activities an exercise in torture. People need to be able to live. Patients wonder what the […]

Removing Spinal Tumors

May 15, 2020

Tumors are the abnormally rapid growth of tissue, where the normal turnover of tissue cells is outpaced by the abnormal cell growth. The result is a mass of tissue, a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant. When they grow in the spinal area, our Texas Neurosurgery team removes them with surgery. What kinds of […]

When a Vertebra Moves Out of Place

April 15, 2020

You could ask 100 people what spondylolisthesis is, and you’d get nothing but blank looks. It’s actually difficult to understand how spondylolisthesis can even happen. This long word is the term for a condition where one of your vertebrae slides forward over the bone below it. It is most common in the lumbar spine, the […]

Why Is My Inner Arm Burning? Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

March 15, 2020

You’ve heard of carpal tunnel syndrome, which affects the nerves running through a narrow passageway in the wrist, the carpal tunnel. But what about cubital tunnel syndrome? Probably never heard of it, huh? This other “syndrome” needs a better publicist, as it can be a serious, painful condition that affects the elbow, arm, and ring […]

Spinal Stenosis and Your Spine

February 14, 2020

At Texas Neurosurgery we treat many patients for issues that all originate when the space in the spinal canal or where the nerve roots exit the spine shrinks. This is known as spinal stenosis. We generally see either lumbar (in the lower back) stenosis affecting the lower back, buttocks, and legs or cervical (in the […]

Fusion in the Neck

January 15, 2020

Our cervical spine is made up of seven bones with intervertebral discs between them. The cervical spine has three important roles: it allows the largest degree of movement of any part of the spine, and it has to protect the spinal cord and support the skull. The loads it bears, coupled with the degree of […]

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6080 North Central Expressway Ste. 150
Dallas, TX 75206
(We sit behind the Beeman Hotel)

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