A pinched nerve is not actually pinched in the classic definition, the not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day definition. It is more of a pinched in the car door, pinched when the drawer closed on your finger kind of thing. A pinched nerve occurs when too much pressure is applied to a nerve by […]
As we get older, the wear and tear over our lives can lead to a narrowing of the spaces within the spine. This begins to cramp the space occupied by nerves that travel through the spine. This is called spinal stenosis. At Texas Neurosurgery, we have a variety of treatment approaches. Usually conservative, non-invasive methods […]
As we age, especially past the age of 60 or 65, it seems our hands can shake slightly when we’re trying to act with them. Many people simply associate this with the slackening of the muscles that are a part of aging. These shaky hands are commonly referred to as hand tremors. Hand tremor isn’t […]
When you cut yourself on a kitchen knife or when you’re lifting something and suddenly feel a sharp pain, what’s going on? Since we deal with pain all the time at Texas Neurosurgery, here’s a little basic primer on how this aspect of human behavior works. How you feel pain OK, so you’re cutting a […]
Parkinson’s is a debilitating disease, robbing a patient of one activity after another and dramatically decreasing the quality of life as it does so. Some patients respond well to medication to alleviate many of their Parkinson’s symptoms, but for others medication doesn’t have much effect. In those cases, at Texas Neurosurgery we offer deep brain […]
Sometimes when we develop numbness or tingling in our hands and fingers, we simply dismiss it — we must have slept wrong and pinched a nerve. But these symptoms could be telling you that the ulnar nerve is becoming constricted as it passes through the elbow. This is cubital tunnel syndrome. At Texas Neurosurgery, we […]
Within the last decade, stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has come a long way. This external-beam radiation therapy can precisely target small areas within the body. It was initially developed for the brain but is now used to shrink or slow the growth of tumors in other parts of the body, as well. We use stereotactic radiosurgery […]
Age has a way of provoking unwanted changes. For many of us, our vision is one of the first indicators that we are getting older. The bad news is that our biology naturally changes with time. The good news is that there are strategies that can be implemented to reduce the effects of aging. Here, […]
Diabetes is a concerning health condition that affects nearly half of the adults in our country. When diabetes is a known health problem, proper eye care needs to take a place of priority. The fluctuations in blood sugar have a direct effect on overall eye health, affecting the integrity of ocular structures such as the […]